Pomona Hope
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After School with Pomona Hope


40% of Pomona’s adults have not graduated from high school and have limited English proficiency. This lack of knowledge and experience in pursuit of higher education can inhibit children’s academic growth.

After School with Pomona Hope was established to come alongside struggling families. We provide an after-school environment for kids in kindergarten through twelfth grade. Here, we offer the arts, technology education, daily homework assistance, and physical activity, community garden workshops, attention to spiritual development, college success and leadership development programming. At After School with Pomona Hope, our young people build relationships and learn their worth as whole people. Together with our constituency, we are working to help the next generation attain their educational goals, life skills, and personal character growth. We want children to learn and grow with safe, attainable, and affordable resources no matter what their struggles. We understand that each child is unique and we seek to unlock their unique potential.

Year after year at Pomona Hope, students demonstrate an upward trend in their scholastic abilities, one stepping stone into their realizing a brighter future. To review the results of our After School and Summer Enrichment Programs, click here.



Program Overview

After School with Pomona Hope (ASPH) is a no-cost after-school program for K-12th grade students, on Mondays-Thursdays during the Pomona Unified School District school year.  All students receive a meal when they arrive for the day, and K-8th grade students receive homework help, gym games, and transition through enrichment workshops including Language Arts Enrichment, Art, STEM, Garden, Wellness, and Bible Study.  Our Junior High students also participate in Junior Leadership workshops. Our high school students guide (and sometimes lead) our younger students throughout their workshops and homework time, participate in College Success and Leadership Workshops and receive homework help after programs on an “as needed” basis.  Attendance is expected every day. Space is limited! 

After School with Pomona Hope (ASPH) is open on the following days and times:

Program Hours

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

  • 2:45-5:30
  • 5:30-6:30 K-8th Optional Homework Hour (by appointment only)


  • 1:45-5:30

Admissions (English)

To register for an upcoming After School with Pomona Hope 2023-2024 Program (ASPH) family orientation, please email jgarcia@pomonahope.org

Download the  Daily Schedule to learn more about our daily activities.

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