Pomona Hope
IInntteerrnnsshhiippss ((FFaallll//SSpprriinngg))

Internships (Fall/Spring)

Work with Pomona Hope’s staff to serve our young people in a structured program that will increase your leadership skills and provide valuable experience in working in the non-profit sector.

There are limited opportunities to intern with the staff at Pomona Hope to develop materials and manage projects. Please see below for available opportunities, and click on the internship title for a more detailed job description.

Please email or call Miriam De La Torre, Outreach Director, at miriam@pomonahope.org or (909) 921-3618 ext. 4 for more information. 

 If you wish to apply for any of our internships, please submit your cover letter and resume to miriam@pomonahope.org 

Fall 2025 Internship Opportunities Now Available!

Applications submitted on or before Friday, August 1st, at 5 pm will be given preference. 

* Pomona College Students – All Internships listed below are PCIP-eligible  

* University of La Verne Students – Some of our fall internships are eligible for Federal work-study Community Service Program. Please check available positions with your University. 

  • Language Arts Development Intern (1 opening): Interns will assist with language testing and tracking, as well as design and execute a weekly 30-minute workshop aimed to help students with language arts skills.
  • Arts Education Intern (2 openings): Interns will design and execute art workshops for students K-8 and assist with field trips and events.
  • Garden Education Intern (1 opening): Intern will design and execute garden workshops for students K-8 as well as work with the Garden Coordinator on other workshops and events. 
  • Media and Development Intern: (2 openings) Intern will write articles for Pomona Hope quarterly newsletter, assist Executive Director, and assist with event planning.
  • STEM Education Intern (1 opening): Interns will design and execute STEM workshops in science, technology, engineering, and/or math for students K-8.
  • Dance/Fitness Development Intern  (2 opening ): Interns will design and execute gym games/dance and health-related workshops for students K-8.

*Interested in a Summer Internship for 2025,  please visit our SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (SIP) page. 

To apply: 

Submit your cover letter and current resume to Outreach Director, Miriam De La Torre at miriam@pomonahope.org

  • All internship positions are open until filled,
  • All internship opportunities require a full-term (Fall/Spring) commitment.
  • All internship opportunities are on-site.
  • Full academic year opportunities are available!
  • Livescan (fingerprinting) required.
  • Academic year internships (Fall/Spring) are unpaid /Volunteer internships (Academic credit and/or funding may be available through your institution).