Young Adult Scholars (YAS) – Summer Only
It is an ongoing goal of Pomona Hope to provide opportunities for educational, spiritual and community engagement growth for all ages and stages of human development. To increase college readiness, leadership development and the values of personal responsibility, character and role modeling, Pomona Hope offers a scholarship program for enrolled students who are current high school juniors and seniors. Students who apply, interview, and are invited to enter the scholarship program must agree to follow, to the letter, all of the program’s rules. They must also engage fully in all aspects of the scholarship program, their volunteer duties and leadership responsibilities.These Young Adult Scholars assist our Summer Interns as they build and implement our annual Summer Enrichment Program from the ground up. They meet with a staff mentor once a week, and present what they have learned from the summer to the Pomona Hope board after the Summer program is over.* Applications are available to current Pomona Hope students during the Spring semester, upon request.
Applicants must enroll as a volunteer/student in After School with Pomona Hope and be a current high school student.
Students must sign the Pomona Hope Leadership Conduct and Performance Requirements form
Students must complete a scholarship application
Students and parents (if the student is under 18 years of age) must sign the Scholarship Acknowledgement Form
Students and parents must fill out Medical Form, Pick Up and Drop Off Release Form, and Photo Release Form
If students are eighteen years of age or older, they must be fingerprinted